Our Features

Electromagnetic water conditioner Benefits

Electromagnetic water conditioner elliminates hardness effect without touching the water, nor adding any chemical.

Benefits Reduce the tip burn problem in leaves.
Benefits Increase growth rate of the plants.
Benefits Reduce disease in root & livestock.
Benefits Remove and prevent scaling on dripper and sprinkler.
Benefits Increase seed germination.

Benefits It clean the root hair and root cap area in the soil.
Benefits Improves soil structure and PH.

Benefits The vegetation period decreases.
Benefits Spotted Walls and Floor Tiles

Benefits Preventing scale accumulation.

Benefits Scaling issues with the Showerhead
Benefits Reduces the infection and diseases through water..
Benefits Conditioned water is good and harmless for skin and hair..
Benefits Conditioned water is good and harmless for skin
Benefits Conditioned water is good and harmless for hair
Benefits Reduction in corrosion.